Day 2 Schedule – Thursday 23rd May 2019
The Australasian Fleet Conference & Exhibition includes keynote addresses, plenaries and insightful presentations by experts and industry professionals. Topics have been thoughtfully chosen by the planning committee and represent issues across the industry.
Last Updated 26/03/2019
*Please note all topics are subject to change

The Changing Face of Fleet Management
In this plenary you’ll hear from industry specialists from Australia, America and Belgium who’ll present their views on this changing landscape of fleet management. Think technology, IoT, data, safety, environment, mobility, strategy and knowledge loss.
Where are you on this 3-dimensional chess board of fleet management?
*Content and speaker are subject to change.

Vehicle Body & Equipment Fit-out – What’s on Offer?
Join us for a taste of what’s on offer as we speed date, as it were, four different suppliers without paying for a meal.
Each supplier will deliver a 10 minute presentation about their business outlining:
- What they do?
- Who they do it for?
- What’s their point of difference?
This taste enriches your knowledge before exploring all suppliers of this category in the exhibition hall.
*Content and speaker are subject to change.

Technology, Technology, Technology!
We all understand technology costs money and the old adage you need to spend money to make money, however there are some things in life that are free or not too expensive.
In this session you’ll hear from 3 organisations whose technology is designed to reduce your operating costs, increase safety outcomes and make your world a better place.
This Breakout Session is designed for delegates looking to learn more about some of the options available.
*Content and speaker are subject to change.

Not All Batteries are Created Equal
In this session you will understand why some batteries are better than others, how to protect the life of your vehicle battery and importantly how to educate drivers to manage battery life.
*Content and speaker are subject to change.

The Mobility Revolution – From ADAS to Autonomous
Jason Bloom, Mobileye’s regional director, will present about how collision avoidance technology is a fundamental building block of the autonomous future.
*Content and speaker are subject to change.

ANCAP: Influencing vehicle safety
A wide range of fleets have adopted vehicle purchase and use policies in recent years, requiring 5 star ANCAP safety rated vehicles. ANCAP also recommends fleets consider vehicles with an ANCAP datestamp of no more than three (3) years to ensure safety currency and the dynamic inclusion of safety assist technologies.
In this session we’ll hear about the new requirements from 2020 and explore how organisations can incorporate a vehicle purchase and use policy which takes into account the latest safety advancements.
*Content and speaker are subject to change.

Using Technology to Drive a Safety First Culture
This presentation will share an interesting case study about New Zealand Racing Board’s journey with Fleet management, Work Health & Safety and Telematics.
In late 2015 the New Zealand Racing Board’s (NZRB) Health and Safety Committee made a recommendation to consider implementing vehicle GPS for assisting in improving safe driving behaviours for its fleet of 126 plus vehicles and 800 plus employees. High accident and damage rates and increasing vehicle infringements were seen as an indicator of poor driving behaviours, while a 360 bowtie analysis confirmed this risk as the highest priority for the NZRB.
Since 2016 the NZRB has undertaken a journey of engagement with its workers in implementing the use of GPS, driver education & training, improvements in vehicle selection, combined with a balance of positive driving behaviour re-enforcement and an approach of accountability where due which has led to significant improvements in all areas of fleet safety for its workers.
Hear how this journey was undertaken by NZRB, considerations they had to take into account, and the results they have achieved to date with their workers and driver behaviour including the financial benefits that have resulted.
*Content and speaker are subject to change.

Commercial EV’s – Technology, What’s Available, Break-even Point & Emission Savings
In part two we’ll hear about Envirowaste and their journey with electric garbage trucks. You’ll be surprised what’s been achieved and whilst you might not need a garbage truck what about a tipper or other service body. The chassis and electric power trains is the same, you just change the body!
*Content and speaker are subject to change.

QLD’s Driver Distraction Project
Nicole will present on the Department’s use of design-led thinking methodology and a systems-based approach in better understanding this ‘wicked problem’ and developing suitable policy solutions with a focus on the role of fleet management.

Road Safety Risk – Master Class
In this session you’ll hear from experts in risk management on the ballooning impact of road safety, how to assess your organisations capabilities and finally hear a case study from an organisation who’s been on a journey.
*Content and speaker are subject to change.

Road Safety – Arriving First
To your horror two vehicles are strewn across the road in front of you. What do you do next?
Whilst we hope we’ll never face this situation, the fact is, the longer we spend on the road the higher our chances of being a first responder to the scene of an accident.
In this session you’ll hear from experts on what to do, how to do it, your obligations morally, legally and how to understand and cope with the trauma of dealing with this event. Attendees will be provided with a check list they can provide to their drivers to educate them encase they are involved in a similar situation.
*Content and speaker are subject to change.
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